Miss Emma Reddy

My name is Emma Reddy and I am the new 3rd Grade teacher at Holy Spirit. This is my first year teaching and I am excited to be starting my teaching career at Holy Spirit. In the short time I have been here I have been amazed by the support and encouragement I have received from the school community. Thank you!
I was born and raised in North County and still live here with my family. I am a member of St. Ferdinand Parish in Florissant and teach Children’s Liturgy there once a month. I am the oldest of six kids and have 21 younger cousins so I grew up a natural leader. I believe this is one of the things that led me to teaching. I graduated from Rosati-Kain Catholic High School in 2016 and Fontbonne University in December of 2019. Continuing my education at Catholic schools after grade school solidified my decision to teach at a Catholic school. There is an atmosphere in a Catholic school that is so warm and welcoming and I see it as a privilege to be able to share my faith with my students as we help each other deepen our relationships with God.
When I’m not teaching, I love to play board games with my friends and family, watch Disney, Marvel, and Harry Potter movies, and cook and bake with my mom and my sister.