Mission Statement
In partnership with the families of our students it is our mission to provide:
A solid academic foundation through a strong core curriculum and
Christian formation through the teachings and practice of the Catholic faith.
To achieve this mission we will work to meet the following goals:
Facilitate and provide opportunities for an effective partnership between parents and the school.
Provide a dedicated, highly competent, and professional faculty and staff.
Provide a comprehensive curriculum strong in the fundamentals with supplemental education in the arts, physical education, and personal development.
Promote a nurturing atmosphere which encourages our students to maximize individual potential, while learning to work cooperatively with others.
Develop a Christian community within the school in which Christian values are taught and modeled to build a foundation for a strong productive life.
Maintain academic excellence by encouraging high standards of achievement.
Create an atmosphere conducive to learning through a small, safe, classroom environment, positive discipline, and respect for self and others.

Our Philosophy
Aware that parents are the primary influence in the development of their children, Holy Spirit Catholic School defines its role and responsibility as that of sharing in this influence by carrying out the mandate of the American Bishops. This mandate states that Catholic schools will teach the Message of the Gospels, foster the growth of Christian community, and develop a spirit of service to others.
In keeping with the Message of the Gospel, love of God, love of self, and love of others, the school provides the child with sound academic instruction, a foundation in Scripture with knowledge of our faith, individual guidance, and the witness of Christian example.
Based on the interaction of students, parents, and teachers, our Christian community grows in an atmosphere of mutual respect, encouragement, and love. It is the school’s role to guide them positively toward the goals of responsibility and self-discipline through which they most fully participate in the Catholic community. Community, then, is living the Gospel message.
Our final goal is an outgrowth of the Message of the Gospel and community, which is Christian service. As the students mature in respect for themselves and others, they are encouraged to look beyond their immediate needs in order to become responsible citizens of the world community.